Friday, April 23, 2010

And so it begins

So this has been a long week. Hardly any sleep, little to eat, long hours at work, turned in a paper late, really behind on homework, car still isn't fixed correctly, and Traveler (our Beagle) decides to somehow get hurt so he is now on medicine the next two weeks. Thank goodness it is Friday! 

So now that he has left, I actually have something to write about.

Monday John left for MEPS and Tuesday was driven down to Georgia to being the process. Tuesday at work was hard, especially after I received a yummy Edible Arrangement. The bouquet included 20 chocolate covered strawberries. My love was thinking of me. :-D

So I have to admit I have been spoiled this week (and not just with chocolate covered strawberries). John and I texted back and forth Tuesday so I talked to him just like any other day for the most part. Wednesday and Thursday night we spoke for about a half hour before it was lights out. And today....about three times with texts in between. :-D Oh how I will miss the sound of his voice. He was sweet enough to have someone take a picture of his and send it to me. He looks wonderful in his ABUs. 

Honestly thought, hearing his voice has made me feel better and better each day. He begins basic officially Tuesday and I know that from that point on speaking with him will be rare. 

While this time apart will be hard for us and as much as I hate to be away from him, I am so proud of him and so proud to be his wife. I know I am only following in the steps of many military wives who would have a million stories to tell about their own military experience. This is going to be an amazing journey for us and I can't wait to see what is in store. 

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