Thursday, March 31, 2011

Missing Home

So I am starting to get a little homesick. More than anything I miss my friends. I haven't quite made friends here yet, but hopefully that changes soon. I think about the drive home and 11 hours just seems so far away. I am trying to be happy and stay positive and I realize this is probably just temporary.

I don't hate it here. I haven't been here long enough to have the chance to hate it, and with this being our first station I really have nothing to compare it to. Benning and Sam Houston were temporary places, but I had friends and family at either place.

John's battalion has a ball coming up in a just over a month and I have been going to the meetings to help plan. I have some great women there and hope that as more events get planned I will be able to get better acquainted with them. I do plan to find some classes once Hannah gets here as well in hopes to meet other moms.

I am sure feeling this way is natural and it won't be long before I am over this.

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