Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Thankful for my life

I live in West Virginia, which is big on coal mining. My grandfather was a coal miner and it the life for so many others in this state.

Yesterday afternoon there was an explosion at one of the mines killing 20 miners. One of which was the husband of someone who works with my mom. That was the first thing I checked this morning and I can't get it off my mind. They are a young couple and got married the same year John and I did. Such as sad situation.


It is times like this we need to be thankful for what and who we have in our lives. While everything may not go like we think, there is a reason for this. We just have to remember that the love we have in our lives can go away at any minute.

Once John has completed his training and starts to deploy, I realize he will be putting his life on the line every day. Miners go everyday with the risk of explosions and what not. I pray that I am never get the phone call, but I realize it could happen.

I am thankful for my life, my AMAZING husband, my family. Please take time today to be thankful for those in your life.

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